The Result

Through the generosity of so many of you, my online donations totaled almost $51,000 from 175 donors. Our efforts, combined with those of the other dancers, Gala attendees, and countless others, resulted in a record $1.1 million raised at the 2018 Seattle Dances!

From the bottom of heart, and on behalf of Seattle’s homeless population, I thank you.

The Who

Jeffrey Pyatt is a Seattle-area resident. He and his wife, Paula, are committed to supporting their community.

Jeffrey Pyatt

The What

I have agreed to be a “celebrity” dancer, paired with a professional dancer to raise money for Plymouth Housing Group.

I’m not a dancer. I will gladly get on a microphone in front of a crowd. But I am terrified to have to dance in front of 800 people! And I believe being scared now and then is a good thing!

About Seattle DANCES!

The Why

Homelessness is a real problem. Without the safety net of friends and family, many of us could have experienced homelessness. And mental health is a real problem. It can be hard to identify with someone struggling with mental health issues. That doesn’t make it less real. I know a former Olympic gold medalist who lives in her car. Not for lack of people trying to help, but because it is where she needs to be. Addiction is a real problem. A fix isn’t as easy as saying “stop.”

All are very expensive to deal with. One thing we know is that providing stable housing then allows these other personal issues to be addressed. In my opinion, we are all on the spectrum of addiction or mental instability. It’s simply a function of where on that spectrum we are. If you and I are having this conversation, we are fortunate enough to be functioning at a societally acceptable level with whatever we each are dealing with.

Plymouth infographic About Plymouth Housing